Feathers, Flowers, Animals, Insects, Landscapes - Our world is full of amazing things!

High Quality Stretched Canvas

* 450gsm US-made archival canvas.
* Archival Pigment inks
* Double-profiled hardwood frames 30mm deep timber
* Professional-grade finishing.
* Supplied ready to hang
* Satin laminate on all prints to provide UV, moisture, and handling protection

High Quality ICEMount Acrylic Wall Mount

* ICEMount traditional is a single piece of photo-grade acrylic facemounted with your image. It has four brushed aluminium standoffs that are visible from the front. These hanging attachments bolt directly into the wall.

* Premium 30+ year rated photo-grade acrylic that won’t fade or discolour
* Diamond-polished and hand-buffed for the ultimate premium finish

Contact Tara for Customised Artworks

If you need a different size than listed, or a different medium, please contact Tara for a quote. Anything is possible!

About Tara Chiu

Tara has over 12 years experience as a photographer, and is the owner of Daisy Hill Photography and Natural Art Images. She has experience photographing everything from weddings and families, to preschools and products, and everything in between. Her love of nature is her inspiration for capturing these beautiful images and she likes to spend as much time as possible amongst mother nature. She believes that bringing these images indoors is great for the soul, and shows the true beauty of the world around us

I am over the moon with this beautiful artwork!
This has become a talking piece in my home.
This image of my own Peacock is a magnificent representation of his tail colour with the early morning dew.
Reflecting the pinks and Golds that usually don’t get to be seen during the Day.
Thank you Tara for your amazing work!

T. Smith - Far South Coast NSW